Although I learnt basic HTML in school, I have forgotten most of it, so I'm re-learning! Eventually I hope to create a little corner on the internet where I can spill all my thoughts out on my interests. Very slow updating, this is a long-term project.
2024.12.15 • I now have an About page yayyy. [16:44] Not sure why the second column is the wrong width gahh. I also deleted the Socials page, my social links are now on my About page. [17:02] Added my "Listening Now" Spotify playlist embed at the side of this home page!
2024.12.14 • WEIRD! The CSS shows up for me on my mobile, but not on my desktop. Also the wrappers are fully not working lol. hmmm... [10:45] AH! IT WORKS! And we're in Readex Pro. [11:28] I can see that my images are getting squashed on mobile, I'm really not sure why :')
2024.12.13 • Trying to figure out wrappers so I can put things in sections and it is NOT going well lmao. I'll get it eventually I'm just getting frustrated with it. Weirdly in the thumbnail for the site on my dash, the new style sheet appearance shows up? But my actual site does not display it. Maybe it just needs time to register, I've had that problem before like with custom fonts :/ I also changed the favicon. I've tried to change the font to Helvetica.
2024.01.07 • We are in fact NOT in Rubik font. Turns out I do not understand properly how to change fonts ;; I'll work on that. I'll set it back to Verdana for the time being.
2023.12.31 • Playing around with a funky title I made with some pretty cool fonts B) I'll be cycling through a few before I settle on which variation. I've also changed the font on my style sheet, we're now in Rubik. Happy New Year!
2023.08.06 • I have replaced the socials links with images! So now you click on the logo and it'll take you there :) Getting the dimensions on the images right was a bit of a pain.
2023.08.05 • The socials tab at the top now has a page! There it has some links for my social medias etc.